The Saptapadi (seven steps/feet), is the most important ritual of Vedic Hindu weddings, and represents the legal part of Hindu marriage. The newly wed couple take seven steps around the holy fire, which is considered a witness to the vows they make to each other.

Lets find out what saptapadi – the seven steps / vows in the Hindu wedding mean…

* The couple takes the first step and promises that they will take care of each other and pray for abundant blessings and prosperity in their life.

* In the second step, the couple promises and prays to the Gods to bless them with physical and mental powers and lead a healthy married life.

* During the third step, they promise to protect and increase their wealth by proper means.

* With the fourth step, the bride and the groom pledge to share happiness and sadness together.

* With the fifth step, the couple promises to be responsible and care for their children.

* The sixth step is taken by the couple to be together always.

* And while taking the last seventh step, they promise to be truthful and trustworthy to each other and pledge to be united always in friendship and harmony.