Are traditional schools very much like mini-prisons? Do they stifle imagination, cramp — Robert Anton Wilson
Following Korzybski , I put things in probabilities, not absolutes … My only originality — Robert Anton Wilson
Everybody who has ever worked for a corporation knows that corporations conspire — Robert Anton Wilson
…an optimistic mind-set finds dozens of possible solutions for every problem that — Robert Anton Wilson
The devil is only a convenient myth invented by the real malefactors of our world. — Robert Anton Wilson
Philadelphia merely seems dull because it’s next to exciting Camden, New Jersey. — Robert Anton Wilson
You know what family values means, that’s hating the same people your grandfather hated. — Robert Anton Wilson
People who’ve been through our educational system, they think they’re thinking, when — Robert Anton Wilson
You simply cannot invent any conspiracy theory so ridiculous and obviously satirical — Robert Anton Wilson