Employees pay the highest percentage of taxes. Big business and investors pay the least. — Robert Kiyosaki
Most small businesses failed because the owner was under skilled, not under capitalized. — Robert Kiyosaki
The biggest trap, the biggest dungeon in life isn’t laziness or bad luck, it’s comfort. — Robert Kiyosaki
Academic qualifications are important and so is financial education. They’re both important — Robert Kiyosaki
A call for women… To rise up what it really takes for the reward of financial freedom. — Robert Kiyosaki
Good entrepreneurs are community builders, actively involved with their communities and dedicated — Robert Kiyosaki
The size of your organization is directly related to your ability to enforce the rules. — Robert Kiyosaki
Don’t stop trying, learning, fighting, experimenting, doing, until the miracle happens. — Robert Kiyosaki